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Wedding at Katisten Kartano?


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Can anyone help me? We wanna get married in Finland and are trying to find a hotel to have the ceremony and the party. We been looking at Kartisten Kartano. Do any of you know anything about this place? Its realy expensive and they want us to pay all of the rent at one time (no deposit, but the full amount) and the money is not refundable. Is this normal practice in Finland?

Thank you so much for your help! And sorry if i posted this under the wrong topic :)

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Katisten kartano looks like a lovely place, but you are right, the price is quite high... 2000€ for the rent + 56€/person for dinner and cake + alcohol (maybe 20€/per person, with welcome toast and two glasses of wine with dinner). I'm not sure if I've ever came across another wedding venue as expensive as that. Usually they have a deposit somewhere around 25% and the rest is paid afterwards. If the money isn't a problem, I'd say go for it as the venue is beautiful and you probably won't find another similar to it in Finland. Another plus for them is that you can have pretty much all the services from them.


I take it you don't live in Finland? Do you have relatives here, or someone else to help with organizing? In Finland the most common way to organize a wedding, I believe, is to rent a venue and catering separately. Some venues offer catering services if you wish to use them; in some places you need to organize possible alcoholic beverages yourself, other places you need to go with their selection (and prices). Generally in Finland prices for venues are usually somewhere between 300€ and 1500€ (your preferred style, based on Katisten kartano, would be on the upper range), catering from 20€ to 35€ including cake. If you can't use a lot of time to make arrangements a hotel/restaurant wedding would be the best choice. /edit. Usually the price for hotel/restaurant wedding is divided so that the venue is cheaper but you are required to choose their catering and drinks which are a little more expensive to cover their "losses" over the venue rent - like the examples Tipzilla gave you on the next post.


Do you want your wedding to be at Hämeenlinna or is any part of Finland fine? And do you want a manor venue such as Katisten kartano? If the area is not an issue, you might want to take a look at Hatanpään kartano, Finlaysonin palatsi and Pikkupalatsi at Tampere, about 100 km, one hour by motorway North from Hämeenlinna. None of them are hotels but they are in three kilometer radius from downtown area (/from hotels) and might be to your liking. The most "manor like" would be Hatanpään kartano, being located next to a lake and a huge rose garden. They all have a catering service available. None of them have web pages that show the best sides of them, in my opinion, so you might want to try finding more pictures with Google. Their colour palette is a bit different from Kastisten kartano, which is quite a rarity in Finland, with all the white trimmings in the ball room (dancing isn't allowed in the ball room, did you notice this?). If you prefer a hotel over a manor you might want to check out Hotel Tammer in Tampere. Musiikkiteatteri Palatsi (musical theatre Palatsi) might be worth a look too.


Hopefully I've been of some help to you. :) Good luck with your planning!

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Neiti Hattara
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^ A very good answer! :) (olisin tykännyt, jos naikkareissa olisi nappi!) I totally agree.


It is not common at all in Finland to pay 2000 € for the venue in advance without any refund possibilities. I personally would not agree to those terms.

Like Neiti Hattara said, normally venues cost less than that and menus are cheaper. For example, our venue is a set of "luxury cottages" and the rent for the whole weekend is 2000 € (no deposit), menus are about 35 €/person (beef maincourse, incl. cake) and we can bring own alcoholic beverages to the venue, which is a really big save in Finland. Our second choice would have cost 300 € (restaurant&hotel), but we would have had to buy the alcohol from them - we calculated that this more expensive venue (of 2000 €) is actually cheaper in total! (A glass of wine in a restaurant can cost as much as a whole bottle in the store.) Other venues we were considering, were 160 € (community halls) to about 500 € (hotels/manors). (If you want to see what kind of manors these were: Olkkolan Hovi 550/750 €, menu 40 €; Neitsytniemen Kartano 600 €, menu 32 € (2012);  Lauritsalan kartano  ~400 €, menu ~45 € - but these are in south-east Finland.)


In this section: Paikkakuntakohtaiset juhlapaikkaketjut  (venues by locality) you can browse discussions by the city :) There are some pictures and links, but mainly comments in Finnish though.

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Kiitos kiitos!

Thank you so much!

My mother-in-law (or soon to be ;) ) is from Finland and we use to spend our holiday in Tampere where they have a apartment. We will check out Hatanpään kartano, thanks for the tip! We just wanna have a small wedding where we dont have to arrange a lot of stuff on our own. Almost any part of Finland is ok but it would be nice to be nearby Tampere. We are also considering Haikon kartano.


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What is a small wedding for you?

Small and simple in a way that include few guests (only family), accomadation, ceremony, dinner and cake at the same place which includes all service :)


I think Tipzilla was after how many guests would be attending :D I know many would consider small wedding to be like 10-40 guests, but I've understood that some parts of the world would think that having 100 guests is still small wedding.

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What is a small wedding for you?

Small and simple in a way that include few guests (only family), accomadation, ceremony, dinner and cake at the same place which includes all service :)

I think Tipzilla was after how many guests would be attending :D I know many would consider small wedding to be like 10-40 guests, but I've understood that some parts of the world would think that having 100 guests is still small wedding.
Aha! Okey ;) There will be about 30 guests :) (my english is terrible, sorry, and finnish is so difficult to learn :P ) Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Lunalille
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Ok, then my question is, why do you want a whole mansion for only 30 people? With that 2000 euros you could wine and dine all your guests in a pretty restaurant/hotel/lodge/guesthouse etc. :)

Often restaurants and hotels don't charge any extra, only food and drinks, and their services include setting up tables, serving and clean up.

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Ok, then my question is, why do you want a whole mansion for only 30 people? With that 2000 euros you could wine and dine all your guests in a pretty restaurant/hotel/lodge/guesthouse etc. :)

We have not found a cheap nice place that suits us and our wishes, unfortunately (not yet at least). And with Katisten for example, we can have a small stable on our own with all the service included. But we have not decided yet :) We are going to Finland in October to look around for something that suits us :)

Edit; And we also wanna have the ceremony outside in rural surroundings (depends on the weather offcourse :P ) and just a walk from the accomadation/where the wedding is being held.

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Lunalille
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Oh, you might want to take a look at Furuvik Manor (near Turku, two hours from Tampere or Helsinki, located on South-West coast) or Villilä Manor (at Nakkila, one hour to West from Tampere). They both offer catering and accommodation and seem to be very beautiful places, surrounded by gardens.

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Neiti Hattara
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