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rakkauden lammikko

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  1. minulle tuli ensimäisenä mieleen Chantal Kreviazukin kappale Feels like home. Ite ihastuin kappaleeseen kun ensi kertaa tämän kuulin. Kirjottelenpa koko kappaleen tähän, kun niin kaunis on : "Somethin' in your eyes, makes me wanna lose myself Makes me wanna lose myself, in your arms There's somethin' in your voice, makes my heart beat fast Hope this feeling lasts, the rest of my life If you knew how lonely my life has been And how long I've been so alone And if you knew how I wanted someone to come along And change my life the way you've done It feels like home to me, it feels like home to me It feels like I'm all the way back where I come from It feels like home to me, it feels like home to me It feels like I'm all the way back where I belong A window breaks, down a long, dark street And a siren wails in the night But I'm alright, 'cause I have you here with me And I can almost see, through the dark there is light Well, if you knew how much this moment means to me And how long I've waited for your touch And if you knew how happy you are making me I never thought that I'd love anyone so much It feels like home to me, it feels like home to me It feels like I'm all the way the back where I come from It feels like home to me, it feels like home to me It feels like I'm all the way back where I belong It feels like I'm all the way back where I belong" ihanat sanat ja kappaleena vielä ihananpi, kannattaa tosiaan kuunnella tuo jos tulee mahdollisuutta. Toinen kappale on Kate Winsletin What if, mutta se on enemmän jossittelu kappale, "jos minä olisin tehnyt näin ja jos sinä olisit tehnyt näin, niin miten aisat olisivat nyt"- tyylinen, mutta erittäin kaunis sekin. Ihania poimintoja kappaleista tuli kyllä vastaan foorumia lukiessa.
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