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  1. I'll admit that my study habits have not improved with age. I know a little more now than when I started. But I haven't actually gotten into a good study habit like I had when I was learning Japanese. I know, excuses, excuses I will commit myself to studying for a few hours a week on a schedule. I know a couple of Finnish curse words but I do not normally use even English curse words. With Mia I just want to improve and have lost a little over 30Kilos and gotten into pretty good shape again. I have a spare tired that I can't seem to get rid of so if anyone wants a spare tire cheap I am your man. I wish I knew how much Mia had actually told everyone about me. I guess I will just have to learn the language now. Well we had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and didn't get too lost this time. If anyone is in the Kentucky area, I recommend a B&B named StoryBook Inn. If you are interested let me know and I will send you contact information; a really amazing place. Well, Mia is going to have to return in a couple of weeks. I try not to think about it too much. I love her being here with me and it will be strange not having her here. She was here pretty much from the day I moved here and we have had a blast. I am now planning for my trip to Finland again. I am slowly trying to convince my work to let me work from Finland and be the night shift person so I can stay past my 2 weeks of vacation. Any of you non-Finnish boys/girls haven't been to Finland during Christmas your really should pay your new family a visit and enjoy the tasty foods they have there. My visit didn't have any really snow or even really bad weather from my point of view. You see I like rain and it rained and rained and rained. Well maybe not that much. But the air was crisp and clean, and I just loved the smell of the ocean. I would be happy to live there someday, maybe retire there. It is such a wonderful place. I hear you either love it our hate it. Well I guess I fell in love with it the second I stepped out of the airport. It really is a wonderful place, go take a trip with an open mind and look at everything. Greet a stranger on the street with a happy hello. Don't worry they will warm up to you once they get to know you. They are really good people, well I guess you know this if you are married, engaged, dating a Finnish person. The most sincere, honest people that I have ever known, such a breath of fresh air. I am sure there is a bad side like anywhere but I didn't run into while I was there. So, go with an open mind and have a wonderful time and bring me back some Glo:gi. Mmmmmmmm, I really miss that drink. The weeks I was there over the winter months I think were the best in my life. Of course I could have been a bit more partial because Mia was there too. A slice of heaven she is. I could go on and on and on but I don't want to embarrass my sweetie. rakastan sinua Miani. Anywise, I guess I have written enough for now. Have fun everyone and take care.
  2. Thank you I am very happy to have joined. I have been hearing a lot about it from my fiancee and decided to join Maybe Frank and I could share some of our experiences about Finland Wow, thanks for the name of the course. I had been looking for one that had both book and cd. Well, I will doing my best to learn Finnish and this will help a lot. Thank you again for the tip.
  3. Hiya everyone. Here's one more groom, this time an American guy engaged to a Finnish girl. MiaMaria and I are engaged and those reading her diary probably know a lot about me already. My Finnish is in the beginning stages, so English is the language I still have to use.
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